As any true grocery store aficionado knows, not all Whole Foods are created equal. Sure, they may all have couscous and flax oil, but while one Whole Food may have a magical wall of a variety of salts, another may lack a bulk section altogether. This is why it's important to investigate every Whole Foods one comes across. I am happy to say that Tulsa's Whole Foods is worth your time. I didn't investigate it as throughly as I could have (I skipped the freezer and the refrigerated sections) but I was impressed.
I have to start with the fact there was a shelf of vegan cakes in the deli section. That's right. A shelf of vegan cakes. Multiple kinds of vegan cakes. There was also a vegan sheet cake of the cookies and cream variety to take home if you so desired. I settled for a single piece of cookies and cream cake, but other options included lemon blueberry and carrot cake. Another standout in their deli section was their buffalo mock chicken salad, which I ate by itself and definitely had deliciously addictive qualities.

In addition, there was not one, but two kinds of vegan queso, Nacho Mom's and Food For Lovers. I've mentioned Food For Lovers queso before, so it shouldn't be too surprising to discover that I bought four jars. That's just how I roll. I also purchased Chocolate Pirate's Booty, which I have yet to try.

There was also a case of frozen vegan taquitos. I didn't get any because I knew my chances of getting them home intact in the approximately seven hours that it takes to drive back to Omaha from Tulsa were slim but I really wanted them, almost as badly as I want a vegan taquito case at my local Whole Foods. Get on that, Omaha.
What's awesome about your Whole Foods? No secrets among vegans!