Sunday, January 22, 2012

Four weeks in, five books down

As I stated before, my new year's resolution was to read 52 books that I had never read before and I am a week ahead of schedule. Granted, it helps that I am focusing on books that are less than 300 pages, rather than giant tomes, but five books in four weeks is still pretty fantastic. Here are the latest additions to list:

Tomcat in Love by Tim O'Brien: The story of Thomas H. Chippering and his quest to exact revenge on his ex-wife, and the love of his life, Lorna Sue. I have to say that I prefer O'Brien's writing when set in military combat, rather than civilian combat, but I did love the sense of humor present. It was a nice change from the lemon tree incident.

Witch & Wizard by James Patterson: A quick and easy read about a brother and sister in a dystopian future who discover that they are actually magical, hence the title. I bought this one (the first of the series) off iBooks for 99¢ and I had finished it by the next evening. Think Harry Potter, in an industrial setting.  

Bright's Passage by Josh Ritter: My favorite of the three, it is the story of an uncertain war veteran who is trying to find a future for his son after his wife dies in childbirth. This book bounces around in time to tell not only Bright's story but the story of his in-laws as they try to find him and his son. Slightly surreal and compelling, I thoroughly enjoyed this one and will most likely be re-reading it. And yes, this is by the same Josh Ritter who wrote the song about the girl who brings the mummy back to life with her love, the video of which will make you weep.

Up next: The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

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