Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm still afraid of the dark.

I was going to get all gussied up and post my main (I have multiple) Halloween costume for you, but the truth is that I'm very tired today and I want to find more Are You Afraid of the Dark? episodes online. So, without further delay, five more of my favorites:
  1. The Tale of the Fire Ghost: This one pops into my head every time I see a candle. The legend says that if you stare at a flame for too long, it's spirit becomes real. When a firefighter has his kids come to the station, a fire ghost takes his chance for revenge! I try not to stare at candles now.
  2. The Tale of Locker 22: Candy Warren! A girl is haunted by the previous owner of her locker and gets to travel back in time to the 60s to figure out why she is being haunted. Groovy!
  3. The Tale of the Long Ago Locket: Will Friedle travels back in time and must deliver a locket from a soldier to his one true love (the soldier's, not Will's) before she marries the wrong man. This is a pretty adorable episode.
  4. The Tale of the Lonely Ghost: I have a mirror in my room that is on a door. As a direct result of this episode, my mirror totally creeps me out. Great episode, both creepy and heartbreaking. Also, check out the main character's cousin's stuffed animal collection. Tubular.
  5. The Tale of the Whispering Walls: A babysitter and her two charges are lost and they stop by a creepy old building to ask for help. What can go wrong? A lot. This is one of AYAOTD's trippier episodes.

I will do my bestest to take pictures of myself in my costumes this weekend so that I may share them with you! Have a happy, safe and fun Halloween!